Monday, June 11, 2012

Script of Podcast So Far...


  • introduce our topic stating the different topics that we will cover 
  • how students will take charge of their own learning 
  • talk about optimizing technology


  • Questions for checking in Pg. 118
  • Promoting global awareness and cultural appreciation 
  • Maybe explain the Virtual penpals and google maps? Possibly, What are your thoughts?

Talk about how our project uses research in many different parts
            - researching a culture
            - researching different kinds of advertising
            - researching calories for different foods
- One large aspect of PBL is that "students engage in real-world activities and practice the strategies of authentic disciplines". We are showing students what it's like to run a business in the real world.

My script so far: It's at least 1 minute long. Let me know what you guys think!

-One large aspect of PBL is that "students engage in real-world activities and practice the strategies of authentic disciplines". We are showing students what it's like to run a business in the real world. 
Our project is largely dependent on the research that our students do- both individually and collaboratively. There were several different smaller assignments within the larger project in which students were asked to research and draw conclusions from what they learned.
For our pen pals assignment, students learned how to collect data from primary sources using the process of interviewing. They used their primary sources (students their age from another country) to learn about a new culture. Through email, students would ask questions about food and party traditions and use the answers they received to create a party and menu that was culturally sound. 
When our students were assigned the Advertising Assignment they were asked to look at the data they collected and apply meaning to it. They collected data about the different ways they could advertise and how much money each cost. It was then their job to pick the best kinds of advertising for their business- whether it be through newspapers, magazines,  yellow pages, etc. They had to consider their budget and what would bring in the most business for their buck. 
For another assignment, students had to research calories of a variety of commonly used foods. They made a list of the data in excel and created a graph from it. This would be used later, when students had to calculate the calories per serving for each of their dishes. Doing all of the research ahead of time is much easier than doing it in pieces as needed, and this assignment shows that to students very well. 


  1. Gabrielle -

    I think your ideas for your script sound good since no one has touched on those topics. I would use the pen pals and Google maps to explain how we are supporting global awareness in our classroom. Great ideas! Let me know if you need anymore help but I think your topic choices look good.

    Alexis -

    I think your script sounds awesome. It really touches on every aspect of the topics you chose to cover.

    If you guys could both email me yours as soon as you have them finished that would be great! Thanks! I'll be posting my script on here shortly I just have some revising to do.

  2. Hey guys here is my script for the podcast. Let me know what you think and any suggestions you may have. Thanks!

    Our classroom/kitchen project based learning has gotten of to a great start. One of the amazing things about project-based learning is that students can take more responsibility for their learning. Our goal is to get our students excited about this project based learning experience and topic. Cooking and learning about different foods is very important. The lessons that our students are involved in are helping them learn how to make healthy choices by learning about the food pyramid and calorie intake, utensils used in the kitchen, their measurements and conversions of measurements, serving sizes, and team collaboration. So far the students have learned a great deal about cooking measurements and conversions, advertising a catering business, researching a number of different foods and their calories, and used virtual pen pals and Google maps to communicate and learn about other cultures. In the classroom we made sure that students had ready access to the technologies that they needed to create their project. Through project planning we selected what technologies we would integrate to enhance student learning. We have had our students use hot lists online to help guide their research, create KidPix movies, and learn how to use excel to help gather and organize data. Students were able to use technology to expand their horizons by connecting to a broader community by using Google Maps to communicate with peers located in different countries. Throughout planning and learning we made time to make sure that our technology choices were helping students reach their learning goals. We saw students taking advantage of the tools that were available to them and continuously helped them stay organized through their research.

  3. When doing project based learning in the middle of a project student teams are likely to be going in several directions and working at different speeds. One way that we are going to check for understanding is asking them questions that will help us check their progress. Based off their answers we can we can further make adjustments to the project if needed. Some examples of questions we might ask include: Do we have the right materials available?, How are team members getting along?, and then have them do self assessments and reflections. Another key thing that we are going to focus on making sure our students are engaged is observing them and listening to their group conversations to see if they are on the right track.
    A key aspect in our project is promoting global awareness and cultural appreciation in our students. One way we are touching base on this is having our students use virtual penpals and also creating a google map of places around the world where they could learn new information based on their project. For instance our big project is a Classroom catering business and we have our students find multiple restaurants around the world and study what types of food they predominantly eat.
    Here is my full script!
