Monday, June 11, 2012

Team Website

I created our team gmail account and website. Text me for the details


  1. Hey guys for the team website we our required to create at least 2 webpages each.

    I was thinking I could do the opening page which would contain the standards that the website meets and describes the information that can be found on the website. I also will state what the big project is that the whole website is leading up to. Here I will also put the finished podcast.

    For my second page I was thinking about doing a utensils measurements page since both of my lessons relate to that topic and I could tie them into the page.

    Let me know what you guys think. Thanks!

  2. I kinda made of list of possible pages we could do...
    Recipes Planning- Lauren and Gabrielle * I did my digital story on how to make a grocery list
    World Food- Which would include our virtual penpals and google map
    Advertisement for our catering business- Alexis
    Our first job- Just a thought

    Please tell me what you think

  3. I like it. I have already started on the introduction so I can do this page as well. Recipes planning if you want to send me the link to your digital story I can incorporate it on the page? What do you mean our first job though? What would we include on this page.

  4. Also for World food we could maybe name it global awareness. Just an idea.

  5. First job of their catering buisness could be the celebrating part of the project. Idea based of reading of ch. 10.

  6. That sounds like a good idea. I like it.
