Saturday, May 19, 2012

Inspiration Concept Map Ideas

Alexis's ideas as mentioned on our E-Learning blog: 

"So here's my idea. We should have them run a catering business. We'd split them into groups of 2-4 and give them a) starting money and b) three orders.

They'd need to
a) plan a menu
b) "purchase" all the things they'd need- food, silverware, etc

After they did their "first event", they'd need to plan for their second, then third. Each time they need to break even/ earn money so that they can buy supplies for their next event.
They can use technology to research catering business, prices, etc. Their final presentation could be them explaining to the class how they ran their business and earned money."

 Lauren's ideas as mentioned on our E-Learning blog: 

"For inspiration I would put in the center bubble Catering. Then steaming off from them we could have the three events that you were talking about we could have wedding, bridal shower, and possible graduation party. Those are just some ideas then steaming off of each of those we could have kitchen measurements, kitchen utensils. Plan a menu could include: food pyramid (food nutrition), food allergies, meals according to events and split off into meal courses, then we would need budgeting, maybe advertising for the catering business. This way students will not just be learning about cooking but planning and budgeting for running a successful business."

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