Monday, May 21, 2012

Week 3

Can one of you guys go into setting a make me a admin. I was making you guys into admins and I accidentally changed myself. Thanks!
Also for the lesson plan due this week based off our project I am going to do the food pyramid one. We are all supposed to do different ones based off our main project. So keep me updated on what your plans are. Thanks!

Hey it's Alexis. I don't know how to do anything on this website- I'm so technologically illiterate it's not even funny.  But I'll try to turn you into an administrator lol. I'm going to have a lesson based on advertisement- they'll figure out what they need to do and figure out the prices and all that! 


  1. I also for one of the website evaluations did

  2. Hey guys I plan to do my lesson on utensil measurements. I looked into adding you as an admin Gabrielle but I am not an admin either so I didn't have access to add you. I'm not really sure how else to do that? I'll keep you guys updated on my websites I choose throughout the process of creating my lesson plan

  3. For my website evaluations I did,, and
