Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Pen Pal
Hey guys, I've put down my thoughts. It's not really in paper form yet, but you guys will get the idea. Let me know what you guys think!



  1. Alexis it looks great! I added a comment on the doc page. I am creating the google maps right now and will send you guys the document after I am finished. My plan for right now is on the map selecting restaurants from 5-6 places around the world. This will allow students to see what kind of food is served and get an idea of the cultural differences in food served in these places. Let me know if you guys don't like this idea and we can do something different.


    I sent you all an email as well to join the google map. But here is the link just in case something doesn't work. Let me know if you guys have any questions/concerns about the map!

  3. Everything sounds great and I love the ideas. I also went through and kind of reworded some things and caught a few minor errors. Map looks great!
